The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration is for students with a very strong interest in business who want exceptionally strong preparation in that field.
The program is more structured than many business programs and ensures that the student is exposed to the business areas of accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, international business, business law and information systems. The program also includes exposure to advanced topics that are important to business. The BS in Business Administration covers the breadth of business-related disciplines as defined in the business core curriculum. The major does not provide a specific specialization but rather exposes the student to various business functions. This major is ideally suited to the new or transfer upper-division business student or for the student interested in concurrently pursuing another area of study.
Program Details
- Students use information, analytical tools and problem-solving skills to make well-reasoned business decisions, considering both quantitative factors and qualitative factors such as ethical considerations.
- Students can develop strategies addressing the legal, ethical, economic and global environment in which the enterprise operates.
- Student will have a working knowledge in a set of analytical business tools related to: math, statistics, accounting, economics, marketing, finance and behavioral science.
- Students can apply business core concepts, principles and analytical skills across functional lines.
- Students can access, develop, and use information to analyze business problems and propose feasible solutions.
- 45 required credit hours
- 9 upper-level School of Business & Technology credit hours
- Applicable University Global Citizenship Program hours, with accommodations for the BS in Business Administration
- Electives
In addition to the business core curriculum, bachelor of science in business administration students will choose any 3 upper-level 3000-4000 courses (9 hours) from the George Herbert Walker School of Business & Technology.
- Global Citizenship Program for Business Administration BS
- Requirements are modified to allow MATH 1430 to satisfy both a requirement of the major and also the GCP 'Quantitative Literacy' requirement.
- BUSN 1000 Business Spreadsheets (1 hour)
- MATH 1430 College Algebra (3 hours)
- WSBT 2000 Career Exploration (1 hour)
- ACCT 2010 Financial Accounting (3 hours)
- ACCT 2025 Managerial Accounting (3 hours)
- BUSN 2750 Introduction to Statistics (3 hours)
- MNGT 2100 Management Theory and Practice (3 hours)
- ECON 2000 Survey of Economics (3 hours)
- WSBT 2300 Personal Branding (1 hour)
- FINC 3210 Principles of Finance (3 hours)
- MNGT 3280 Introduction to Business Law (3 hours)
- MNGT 3450 Organizational Behavior (3 hours)
- BUSN 3500 Business and Global Issues (1 hour)
- MNGT 2500 Marketing (3 hours)
- BUSN 3850 Enterprise Systems** (3 hours)
- WSBT 2700 Career Management Strategies (1 hour)
- BUSN 4110 Operations Management (3 hours)
- BUSN 4500 Ethical Issues in Business (1 hour)
- MNGT 4900 Managerial Policies and Strategies (3 hours)
**For St. Louis campus students. International campus students can substitute this course with either:
- CSIS 2500 Introduction to Data Science (3 hours)
- CSIS 1500 Introduction to Business Technologies (3 hours)
Additional Information
This program is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) in the United States. We have been accredited by the HLC for more than 95 years. This program is not Dutch accredited and does not lead to a degree based on Dutch law, Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs (Law on Higher Education).

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