Webster Leiden’s first WebTalks on Friday, 17 November.
What is it like to represent the United States at an overseas embassy? How difficult
is it to work in a nursery? What does it take to produce and host a podcast?
These are just a few of the topics that were discussed by several industry professionals at Webster Leiden’s first WebTalks on Friday, 17 November. Hosted by Student Services Coordinator Christine Benninger and members of the student government and model U.N., the event gave students a glimpse at a variety of different careers.
Each presenter was given 15 minutes to talk about their current jobs and backgrounds.
Andy Clark, a longtime journalist, discussed his experiences in the media and his decision to venture into the brave new world of podcasting. Webster Leiden alumnus Gabriele Cotronei gave a heartfelt lecture about his time working as an educator at a nursery in Italy and his efforts to help a young child with a complex psychological condition.
Marjon Kamrani, a Political Officer for the U.S. Embassy in the Hague, was also on hand to share stories about her career and travels.
“The one thing that’s really nice about this job, in addition to being fun and full of adventure, is that you’re constantly learning,” she said. “You move every three years to a new country and you have to quickly become an expert on its politics, culture and sometimes its language.”
Additional WebTalks events will take place at Webster Leiden next year and they’re a great opportunity for students to network and meet professionals from a wide array of different fields. Keep an eye on the university’s web and Facebook pages for dates and times.
By Brandon Hartley